
Could you be our new Software Architect?

Test your suitability by answering a few simple questions!


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Codemate helps companies go forward on the digitalization journey. We are experienced developers and designers delivering web and mobile applications and services to a variety of customers, including Google and Netflix. In other words, we're improving everyday life and businesses by writing tons of javascript and destroying expired spaghetti.

Our offices are in Helsinki, Oulu and Bangkok and you can choose the best fit for you. Not a bad idea to spend the next winter in a slightly warmer conditions in Thailand? 🌴

But why choose Codemate?

1. We work with companies like Google and Netflix, have 100 employees, and have been in business for 15 years. Not so small after all?

2. Work is not everything. If you appreciate family time, hobbies, seeing friends, traveling, or cottage life, Codemate might be a better place for you than a cut-throat global consultancy. Have some energy left for your personal life and time for the people you love.

3. Our motto is “Go Forward”. It means that our number one goal is to be a place where personal growth and professional development is made possible. Progress towards your goals as a Developer, while having fun at work.

4. When you work, do something meaningful. You get to work with solid experts in customer projects that will impress your friends if you’re into that sort of rep. Seriously, most of the work we’ve been doing lately is for global companies even your granny knows about.

We are eager to hear from you and see if Codemate’s culture is a match for you.
If you could be the one we are looking for, test your suitability by clicking "Start"!


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